1914 | Born on April 20 in Plainesti / Dumbraveni village, Vrancea County, Romania |
1921-1926 | Attends primary school in his native village. |
1926-1933 | Attends King Ferdinand High School in Ramnicul Sarat (Romania). Apprentices with Costica N. Constantinescu the church painter who teaches him the basic notions of the fresco technique and easel painting. Studies, in the company of Geo Zlotescu (1906–1983), with painter Ion Theodorescu-Sion (1882–1939) for the entrance examination in the Academy of Fine Arts of Bucharest, Romania. |
1933 | Applies for both the Academy of Fine Arts (will attend courses until 1936) and the Law School. |
1934 | Takes the job of office worker at the Kardex Nicolae Iovanovici Society, where will activate until 1936. Paints concomitantly in the studio of Master Nicolae Darascu (1883–1959), head of the Academic Drawing Dept. A long-lasting and sincere friendship will join the artist and his mentor. |
1935 | Accompanies Nicolae Darascu to Balcic (until 1940, in Romania). |
1936 | Exhibits, together with Stelian Popescu-Ghimpati (1906–1950) and Bob Bulgaru (1907–1939), in the Mozart Hall (on Victoria Way) from Bucharest. Lives in Bucharest, on 8, Roma Str. Exhibits paintings in an art shop near ARO Cinema, Bucharest. Paints landscapes at Balcic, Plainesti, Candesti, Bordesti, Dragosloveni, Jideni and Ramnicul Sarat (Romania). Starts military service with 28 Artillery Regiment of the Officers’ School from Craiova, Romania. |
1937 | Exhibits graphics and painting in a bookshop of Craiova, on the occasion the novel Oameni cu buche / Educated People, written by his army fellow, is issued. Ends military stage and takes a job in Bucharest, at SONACO (National Society for Building), directed by Eng. Liviu I. Ciulley. |
1938 | Makes, together with Alexandru Mazilescu, mural decorative paintings and church frescoes. Moves to 10, Sfintilor Str. |
1939-1940 | Mobilized in March 1939, participates in the war preparatives. Sent to Bukovina (Romania) with 62 Artillery Regiment, visits the frescoed churches and monasteries. |
1941-1942 | Attends the classes of a private School of Painting (from the Villacross Passage, on Victoria Way, Bucharest) set by the painters Lucian Grigorescu, Platon Cazanovici and Mihail Gheorghita. Is influenced by colourist Lucian Grigorescu (1894–1955). |
1942-1943 | Fights with 21 Artillery Regiment and with 4 TM Detachment (armoured and motorized cars). |
1944 | Is seriously wounded on the Crimean Front: after the explosion of a mine, is covered by earth. |
1945 | Takes the job of manager at the Rosenthal-Porcelain Romanian Anonymous Society (Bucharest). Frequents Ion Sava’s classes of scenography and stage direction organized by the Bucharest art dept. of ARLUS (Romanian Association for Strengthening Relationship with Soviet Union). |
1946 | Makes advertizing graphics (posters, main titles) for the Popular Film / Romfilm Enterprise (until October 1950). Concomitantly, as a free-lance artist, he arranges a studio, where he carries out works at demand. |
1947 | Diminishes, even interrupts his work as an outcome of the cerebral traumatism suffered on the Front. Is hospitalized in a sanatorium. |
1948 | Resumes easel painting, inner-decoration works and graphics. |
1950 | Takes a job at the Film Enterprise of the City of Bucharest: directs the film-processing lab from Mogosoaia (near Bucharest). |
1951 | The precarious health prevents him make art; is compelled to take a job of dept. chief at the Ministry of Electrical Engineering (Bucharest). On November, 17 marries Alexandra/Didi (b. Dec. 27, 1927), Carol and Sofia Misinski’s daughter. Moves to 10, Dorobanţi Way (Bucharest). |
1952-1955 | Due to his bad health (pareses, sight deficiencies, a.s.o.), deals less with painting and drawing. |
1953 | On February 8, his son, Radu Stefanescu, is born. |
1954 | Moves to 9, Dinicu Golescu Str., close to Nicolae Darascu’s house. |
1955 | Is appointed managing director at the Electrotehnica Chain Store (Ministry of Hard Industry). |
1956-1957 | Stimulated by Darascu, arranges a studio in one room of the apartment and, by his own willpower, resumes painting. Paints at Cernica, Pasarea, Baneasa and Mogosoaia (Romania). In the period 1956–1960, signs his works (at the bottom right hand corner) G.Stef.Ramnic, Stefanescu Ramnic, George Stefanescu or Stefanescu. |
1958 | Becomes a member of the Fine Artists’ Union (F.A.U.) of Romania. Takes a job at the Metropolitan Theatre of Bucharest. |
1959 | Actress Lucia Sturdza Bulandra (1863–1061) entrusts him the scenography of the Dorel Dorian’s play Daca vei fi intrebat / If You Were Asked (première: 20 Aug.). Arranges a painting studio in the Theatre; in 1960, the studio will be moved to Splaiul Independentei, close to the house on 1, Schitu Magureanu Str. Paints landscapes and peasants’ portraits in Timisoara (Romania). |
1960 | Creates, together with Nicolae Savin, the settings of the play Mamouret, by Jean Sarment, with Lucia Sturdza Bulandra in the main part (première: 23 Jan.). Paints the portrait of the actor Tony Bulandra for the Museum of the National Theatre of Bucharest. Accompanies the Metropolitan Theatre in the Budapest tour, where befriends with Hungarian fine artists. Paints watercolours and canvases and, back home, exhibits them in the Theatre Foyer, together with the works signed by architect Paul Bortnovski and actor Mircea Septilici. Art collector Misu Weinberg (1907–1974) visits the exhibition and, through actor George Oprina, meets George Stefanescu. The relationship between the painter and the art collector will last until Weinberg’s death. Paints landscapes at Calimanesti (Romania). In the period 1960–1990, signs constantly stefanescu (in small letters), dating his works after the name. |
1961 | Designs, together with Paul Bortnovski, settings for the play Rustica ’50–’60 / Rustic ’50–’60, by Silvia Andreescu and Theodor Manescu (première: 8 May). Sketches settings for the play Intoarcerea / The Return, by Mihai Beniuc (première: 19 Nov.). Exhibits paintings (landscapes and flowers) in the Metropolitan Theatre Foyer. F.A.U. hires him a studio in one room of the Gheorghe Tattarescu Memorial Museum, on 7, Domnita Anastasia Str. (Bucharest). |
1962 | Draws settings and costumes for the play Camera fierbinte / The Hot Room, by Al.I. Stefanescu (première: 27 March). Draws settings for Razboi si pace / War and Peace, by Alfred Neumann, Erwin Piscator and Guntram Prüfer, a stage version written after Leon Tolstoy’s homonymous novel (première: 25 June). Combines classic settings and slides projected on screen and puppets. Draws costumes for the play O singura viata / A Unique Life, by Ionel Hristea (première: 5 Dec.). Designs settings for the play Bertoldo la curte / Bertoldo at Court, by Massimo Dursi. Paints marines at Tuzla, Mamaia, Constanza and Eforie (Romania). Exhibits paintings and scenography in the Lucia Sturdza Bulandra Theatre Foyer. |
1963 | Draws settings and costumes for the play Portretul / The Portrait, by Alexandru Voitin (première: 2 Oct.). |
1964 | Designs costumes for the play Fii cuminte, Cristofor / Be Wise, Cristofor, by Aurel Baranga (première: 25 Nov.). Participates in the Bucharest Biennial of Scenography. |
1965 | Works as costume co-designer for Padurea spanzuratilor / Forest of the Hanged, whose script is written after the homonymous novel of Liviu Rebreanu; the film is granted Palme d’Or at the Cannes International Film Festival. Exhibits at the Bucharest Salon of Painting and Sculpture. Paints in Sighisoara (Romania), in the citadel and in the old streets; will come back there in the following years. Documentary and holidays travel along the Romanian and Bulgarian seaside: at Tulcea, Mamaia, Eforie and Constanza (Romania), paints canvases and watercolours, while at Golden Sands (Bulgaria), makes drawings and watercolours. Solo exhibition opened in November in his studio from Gheorghe Tattarescu Museum. |
1967 | Makes settings for the play Luceafarul / The Morning Star, by Barbu St. Delavrancea (première: 13 May). On the background of the palace at Mogosoaia, the play changes into a sound-and-light performance. Participates in the Spring Salon of Bucharest Painters, organized in the Herastrau Park. Paints in the Danube Delta and at Sibiu, in the old city (Romania); will come back to Sibiu in 1968 and 1970. Makes settings and costumes for the performance Poet in the Revolution, after several texts by Vladimir Maiakovsky (première: 3 Nov.). |
1968 | Solo exhibition opened in his studio from the Gheorghe Tattarescu Museum. Makes settings and costumes for the play Sfarsitul pamantului / The End of the Earth, by Victor Eftimiu (première: 1 Dec.). |
1969 | Designs settings and costumes for the play Contrapuncte / Counterpoints, by Paul Everac (première: 11 March). Designs settings and costumes for the play Strigoii / Ghosts, by Henrik Ibsen (première: 21 Nov.). Designs costumes for the play Puricele in ureche / A Flea in Her Ear, by Georges Faydeau (première 13 Dec.). Participates in the “Exposition d’Art roumain contemporain”, opened in December at the Baccache Gallery from Beirut (Lebanon). Paints landscapes in Brashov (Romania). |
1970 | Creates settings for the show Muzica si poezie / Music and Poetry, by Tudor Gheorghe (première: 14 March). Moves to 1A, Dimitrie Marinescu Str. (Vatra Luminoasa District of Bucharest); lives there until 1989, when he will leave Romania for good. Solo exhibition opened in September at the Simeza Gallery of Bucharest. Participates in the exhibition “Rumänische Malerei und Plastik der Gegenwart”, opened in October at Lüdenscheid (Germany). |
1971 | Designs settings for the play Patru oameni fara nume / Four Nameless People, by Radu Badila (première: 27 March). Designs costumes for the performance Povestiri din Padurea Vieneza / Stories from the Vienna Forest, by Ödön von Horvath (première: 15 May). Participates in the Salon of Painters and Sculptors from Bucharest, opened in September in the exhibition rooms of the Romanian Athenaeum. Designs costumes for the play Ziaristii / The Journalists, by Alexandru Mirodan (première: 16 Nov.). Study travel to U.S.S.R., organized by F.A.U.; the tour includes the city of Samarkand. |
1972 | Designs settings and costumes for the performance Superestival 1972 (première: 1 July). Participates in the Romanian painting exhibitions from Orly (France), Vienna (Austria) and the Watts-Art Gallery in New York (U.S.A.). Participates in the Salon of Painting and Sculpture dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the Socialist Republic of Romania, opened in December in the Dalles Hall, Bucharest. |
1973 | Solo exhibition opened in February at the Simeza Gallery, Bucharest. Is granted the Cultural Merit Order. Designs settings for the show Intre noi doi n-a fost decat tacere / Between Us it Was but Silence, by Lia Crisan (première: 27 Oct.). |
1974 | On April 1, the artist retires on demand, in order to devote himself exclusively to painting. Participates in the exhibition “12 Rumänische Maler”, organized by F.A.U. in Hamburg (Germany). Participates in the Bucharest Salon of Painting and Sculpture, opened in April at the Dalles Hall. Study and holiday travel to Czechoslovakia. |
1975 | Paints at Medias and Bazna (Romania). Participates in the Bucharest Salon of Painting and Sculpture, opened in December at the Dalles Hall. |
1976 | Solo exhibition opened in January at the Caminul Artei Gallery, Bucharest. Paints at Breaza (Romania). |
1978 | Paints in Bazna, Buzias and Covasna (Romania). |
1979 | Participates in the exhibition “Contemporary East-European Painting” from Tokyo (Japan). Solo exhibition opened in June at the Art Galleries of the Bucharest Municipality. Participates in the Municipal Salon of Painting and Sculpture, opened in December at the Art Museum of the Socialist Republic of Romania and at the Museum of Art Collections from Bucharest. |
1980 | Paints watercolours and canvases at Covasna. |
1982 | Paints at Covasna, Azuga and Bistriţa-Nasaud (Romania). |
1983 | Solo exhibition opened in October at the Art Galleries of the Bucharest Municipality. |
1984 | Solo exhibition opened in October at Gemeentehuis, in Willebroek (Belgium). Solo exhibition opened in November in the Volksbank Foyer of Werdohl (Germany). |
1985 | Solo exhibition opened in October at the Hagenring Gallery of Hagen (Germany). |
1987 | The monography George Stefanescu, by Adriana Bobu, appears in the “Romanian Artists” Series of the Meridiane Publishing House from Bucharest. |
1989 | On November 4 arrives, together with his wife, at Lüdinghausen (Westphalia, Germany), the place where their son, Radu Stefanescu, lives. Settles for good in Germany. Dwells with son’s family at Lüdinghausen–Seppenrade, on 22 Dülmenerstr. Makes graphic works and paints canvases in a studio arranged in the house. Exhibition “George und Radu Stefanescu”, opened in November at Heimathaus in Harsewinkel (Germany), is organized by Kultur- und Bildungsverein Harsewinkel e.V. Exhibition “George und Radu Stefanescu”, opened in December in Haus Ennepetal, Ennepetal (Germany). |
1990 | Solo exhibitions in the galleries Helmar H. Veltzke and Galeria from Bremen (Germany). “Neue Wege, neue Bilder”, a solo exhibition opened in April at Queen’s Gallery from Bremen. Moves to 7, Werdenerstr. (Lüdinghausen). Becomes a member of the KAKTus Kunstverein of Lüdinghausen. Draws the sketch for a 23-piece patchwork tapestry, donated to support a project in Mtendere (Zambia). Participates in the group exhibition “Galerie im kleinen Haus”, opened in November in Lüdinghausen. Participates in the group exhibition “9 Künstler aus Lüdinghausen”, opened in December at the Münsterlandmuseum of Burg Vischering. Exhibition “Vater und Sohn im Spiegel der Kunst” is opened in December in Kreis Coesfeld (Germany). The volume Marturisiri si reflectii ale unui colectionar de arta / Confessions and Reflections of an Art Collector, by Dorina Munteanu, dedicates a chapter to the artist. In the period 1990–1992, signs his works Stefan. |
1991 | Moves to Breslauerring (Lüdinghausen) and arranges his studio in the apartment. Participates in the Kunst Markt of Burg Vischering (Lündinghausen), opened in November. |
1992 | Participates in the “Hamaland Kreis der Künste”, an exhibition opened in May in the townhall of Bocholt (Germany). “Neue Wege, neue Bilder”, a solo exhibition opened in May in the OK Center Dülmen (Germany). Participates in the “Hamaland Kreis der Künste”, opened in August in Prince’s Hall of the Ahaus Castle (Germany). Since 1992 signs stefanescu (in small letters), followed by a short-rendered date to which a figure and the letter D – 1/D, 2/D, a.s.o. – are added, expressing the number of years his wife Alexandra has “happily” survived the cancer surgical intervention. |
1993 | Is successfully operated at the Uniklinik of Münster (Germany) – they replace his aortic valve and make two bypasses. Resumes drawing and graphics, the best therapy, the artist considers, is art making. |
1994 | Exhibition in Singapore, together with the private Skillicorn Collection’s itinerancy. |
1995 | Returns for a short time to Bucharest. Calls on Mircea Penciulescu and Dragos Morarescu and revisits the Museum of Art Collections, the National Museum of Art, different art exhibitions. |
1996 | Solo exhibition opened in August at the Noran Gallery from Lüdinghausen. |
1997 | Moves to 2, Sendenestr. (Lüdinghausen), into an apartment facing the Stever river, where arranges a comfortable studio. Solo exhibition at the Noran Gallery from Münster (Germany). Solo exhibition at the Wöhrle Gallery from Hamm (Germany), varnished on December, 7. |
1998 | Undergoes an eye operation; immediately after recovery, restarts to draw and paint. “Ein Spaziergang im Garten des Hahns”, a solo exhibition varnished at Haus Hünenburg from Bremen (Germany) on June, 6. Solo exhibition at the Käther Böke Gallery from Leer (Germany). Solo exhibition at the Noran Gallery from Lüdinghausen . |
1999 | Solo exhibition in the Sparkasse Foyer from Lüdinghausen, opened in November. |
2003 | “Der große Vogel”, a solo exhibition opened in April at the Bremische Volksbank Achim from Bremen and in the Klostermühle Gallery from Heidelberg (Germany). |
2004 | On April 20, on the occasion of his 90th anniversary, KAKTus Kulturforum of Lüdinghausen opens the solo exhibition “Licht und Farbe” in the Volksbank Foyer. On the varnishing day, a group of students from the College of Music play pieces from the Romanian classical repertoire. Painter’s official site – www.georgestefanescu.ro – is lauched. |
2005-2006 | Due to his old age, hands start trembling; wears a leaden bracelet, but does not give up studio work. Walks daily along the Stever banks, to Burg Vischering or in the old city of Lüdinghausen, where meets his neighbours and fellow artists. Cannot paint any longer; reads Romanian literature and listens to classical music. |
2007 | Dies on October 29 at Lüdinghausen, at the age of 93. |
2010 | On April 20, in the “A Century Journal” issue, the TVR International Channel broadcasts Dan Paul Ionescu’s short film about painter George Stefanescu. |
2011 | On June 27, on the occasion of the “Year of Architecture”, an event organized by the Romanian Cultural Institute from Prague, the article George Stefanescu – pictor si scenograf roman / George Stefanescu – Romanian Painter and Scenographer is launched. |
2012 | On April 20, Radu Stefanescu sets up in Bucharest the Foundation Painter George Stefanescu, whose aim is to perpetuate artist’s memory. In Arhitectura (a review of Architects’ Union of Romania), No. 3, July, under the heading “Reflections”, Aurelia Mocanu’s article “Rosu de Bitolia – un longeviv pe scena picturii”/ “Bitola Red – A Longeval Artist on the Painting Stage”, is issued. On November 30, five years after artist’s death, painter’s friend, Prof.Dr. Wolfgang Schneider, varnishes the exhibition “Was bleibt ist die Farbe – George Stefanescu (1914–2007)” in Lüdinghausen; the event is followed by a program of Romanian classical music. |
2014 | Centenary George Ștefănescu Râmnic (1914–2007) in Bucharest 1st of October – Aurelia Mocanu, art critic, and Radu Ștefănescu, artist՚s son, President of the Foundation Painter George Ștefănescu-Râmnic, notify the events organized on the occasion of the Centenary in the broadcast “Conviețuiri” / “Cohabitations”, within the column Moment Art (TVR 1). One aim of the Foundation is to emphasize the individuality of the artist name in the Romanian context. Based on the signatures from George Stefanescu’s youth, she has been using the name George Ştefănescu-Râmnic since 2014. 28th of October – The monographic album (painting, graphic art and scenography) Discreta frumusețe – George Ștefănescu-Râmnic (1914–2007) / The Discreet Beauty – George Ștefănescu-Râmnic (1914–2007) is launched in Bucharest, in the Mitiță Constantinescu Hall of the National Bank of Romania Palace. The launching is followed by the varnishing of “Menestrelul culorilor – George Ștefănescu-Râmnic (1914–2007)” / “The Minstrel of Colours – George Ștefănescu-Râmnic (1914–2007)”, the exhibition displayed in the Rotonda Hall of the National Bank of Romania Palace. The 40 works are curated by art critic Aurelia Mocanu and architect Radu Ștefănescu. Aurelia Mocanu, Prof.Dr. Georgeta Filitti, Dr. Adrian Silvan Ionescu, Director of the G. Oprescu Institute of Art History, and Radu Ștefănescu take the floor. The event is organized by the Foundation Painter George Ștefănescu-Râmnic under the patronage of the National Bank of Romania. November–December – Exhibition “Grădina Zburătorului – George Ștefănescu-Râmnic (1914–2007)” / “Flying Man՚s Garden – George Ștefănescu-Râmnic (1914–2007)”, curated by art critic Aurelia Mocanu and architect Radu Ștefănescu, displays about 100 of artist՚s works at the Dimitrie Gusti Village National Museum in Bucharest. Developed in the H.H. Stahl and Lena Constante Halls, the exhibition is included in the “Restitutio” Series of the Museum. His Excellency, Mr. Werner Hans Lauk, Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany in Romania, and Dr. Paula Popoiu, Director of the Dimitrie Gusti National Village Museum, give the opening address. The event is organized by the Foundation Painter George Ștefănescu-Râmnic under the patronage of the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany in Romania. 12th of November – Art critic Aurelia Mocanu and Radu Ștefănescu, President of the Foundation Painter George Ștefănescu-Râmnic, are re-invited in the broadcast “Conviețuiri” / “Cohabitations”, within the column Moment Art (TVR 1), to comment the events related to the Centenary. 19th of November – The social evening “Nostalgia atelierului” / “Nostalgia for His Studio”, developed at the Dimitrie Gusti National Village Museum in Bucharest, is the last event of the Centenary. On the occasion, some of those who had met him tell stories about the Domnița Anastasia Street, Tattarescu Museum and artist՚s variegated studio. In the recollections of those who frequented him, George Ștefănescu՚s studio was a place where art lovers and collectors, fine artists, photographers, architects and men of letters used to meet, as well as a space of vocational training, experience exchange and of memories. Among the guests: Aurelia Mocanu, Ruxandra Dreptu, Marin Gherasim, Adrian Silvan Ionescu, and Paula Popoiu. December – Exhibition “Stille Schönheit”, opened at the Badde Design Gallery in Lüdinghausen, closes the George Ștefănescu Râmnic (1914–2007) Centenary. |
2015 | 16th of February – The documentary George Ștefănescu-Râmnic is first broadcast within the “Identități” / “Identities” show of TVR 1. Producers: Diana M. Deleanu and Cătălin Sava; filmmaker: Anamaria Tecuceanu Bobe. |
2019 | 105 years since artist՚s birth 30th of June – The retrospective exhibition “The Minstrel of Colours” is varnished in Burg Lüdinghausen, the Renaissance castle of Lüdinghausen, the town where the artist spent his last 18 years. Josefine Kleyboldt, vice-mayor, Herbert Baur, vice president of KAKTuS, and Dr. Hans Wolfgang Schneider, art critic, take the floor. The exhibition is closed on the 1st of September. 24th of August – Harmony in Colour Sounds, performance of music and poetry within the retrospective exhibition “The Minstrel of Colours”. The band “The Black Caps”, with André Schult, Thorsten Lohmann and Hendrik Menting, participate in the event. Thomas Boecker says poems illustrating some pictures displayed in the exhibition. For three days on end, the TVR Internațional team – filmmaker and moderator: Iuliana Marciuc; director: Silvia Ionescu; director of photography: Remus Mircea – shoot the exhibition opening, the exhibits and the city of Lüdinghausen. 15th of September – First presentation of the documentary Expoziție la castel / Exhibition at the Castle (TVR Internațional) 6th of October – The exhibition “The Minstrel of Colours – George Ștefănescu-Râmnic” inaugurates the European Cultural Week at Gütersloh, Germany. His Excellency, Mr. Emil Hurezeanu, Ambassador of Romania in Germany, and Monika Paskarbies, vice-mayor of the town, participate in the exhibition opening. Christiane Hoffmann, art historian and exhibition՚s curator, speaks about the painter and his oeuvre. 22nd of October – The broadcast “Destine ca-n filme” / “Destinies like Movies” (TVR 2) presents the documentary Promisiunea unui fiu / A Son՚s Promise. Focusing on the special relationship between George and Radu Ștefănescu, the documentary shows archive film sequences from Bucharest and Lüdinghausen. |