Plays – acted or programmed at the Metropolitan Theatre / Lucia Sturdza Bulandra Theatre – and film. | |
1959 | Settings: the play Daca vei fi intrebat / If You Were Asked, by Dorel Dorian (in the Cultural Decade of P.R.R.); stage direction: Dinu Negreanu; costumes: Elena Fortu; première: 20 August – see Bibliography: 2 programmes and 3 articles. |
1960 | Settings (in coop. with Nicolae Savin): the play Mamouret, by Jean Sarment; stage direction: George Teodorescu; costumes: Elena Fortu; première: 23 January – see Bibliography: 2 programmes and 2 articles. |
1961 | Settings: the play Intoarcerea / The Return, by Mihai Beniuc; stage direction: Ion Olteanu; costumes: Elena Fortu; première: 19 November – see Bibliography: programme. Settings (in coop. with Paul Bortnovschi): the show Rustica ’50–’60 / Rustic ’50–’60, by Silvia Andreescu and Theodor Manescu; stage direction: Liviu Ciulei and Lucian Pintilie; costumes: Elena Fortu; première: 8 May – see Bibliography: programme. |
1962 | Settings and Costumes: the play Camera fierbinte / The Hot Room, by Al.I. Stefanescu; stage direction: Dinu Negreanu; première: 27 March – see Bibliography: programme and 1 article. Settings: the performance Razboi si pace / War and Peace, by Alfred Neumann, Erwin Piscator and Guntram Prüfer text arranged after Leon Tolstoy’s homonymous novel; stage direction: Dinu Negreanu; première: 25 June – see Bibliography: programme. Settings Sketches: the play Bertoldo la Curte / Bertoldo at Court, by Massimo Dursi (non-acted performance) – see Solo Exhibitions. Costumes: the play O singura viata / A Unique Life, by Ionel Hristea; stage direction: Lucian Pintilie; settings: Paul Bornovschi; première: 5 December – see Bibliography: programme. |
1963 | Settings and Costumes: the play Portretul / The Portrait, by Alexandru Voitin; stage direction: Vlad Mugur; première: 2 October – see Bibliography: programme. |
1964 | Costumes: the play Fii cuminte, Cristofor / Be Wise, Cristofor, by Aurel Baranga; stage direction: Valeriu Moisescu; settings: Traian Ciocardel; première: 25 November – see Bibliography: programme. |
1965 | Costumes Co-Design: the film Padurea spanzuratilor / Forest of the Hanged; script: Titus Popovici, written after Liviu Rebreanu’s homonymous novel; direction: Liviu Ciulei; settings: Giulio Tincu; costumes: Ovidiu Bubulac. |
1967 | Settings: the play Luceafarul / The Morning Star, by Barbu St. Delavrancea; stage direction: Ion Cojar; costumes: Sanda Musatescu; première: 13 May – see Bibliography: programme and 1 article. Settings and Costumes: the performance Poetul si revolutia / The Poet in the Revolution, after Vladimir Maiakovsky’s texts; stage direction: Dinu Negreanu and Valeriu Moisescu; première: 3 November – Bibliography: programme. |
1968 | Settings and Costumes: the play Sfarsitul pamantului / The End of the Earth, by Victor Eftimiu; stage direction: Zoe Anghel Stanca; première: 1 December – see Bibliography: programme. |
1969 | Settings and Costumes: the play Contrapuncte / Counterpoints, by Paul Everac; stage direction: Paul Everac; première: 11 March – see Bibliography: programme. Settings and Costumes: the play Strigoii / Ghosts, by Henrik Ibsen; stage direction: Marietta Sadova, Gheorghe Miletineanu and Dan Jitianu; première: 21 November – see Bibliography: programme. Costumes: the play Puricele în ureche / A Flea in Her Ear, by Georges Faydeau; stage direction: Emil Mandric; settings: Liviu Ciulei; première: 13 December – see Bibliography: programme. |
1970 | Settings: the show Muzica si poezie / Music and Poetry, by Tudor Gheorghe; stage direction: Valeriu Moisescu; première: 14 March – see Bibliography: programme. |
1971 | Settings and Costumes: the play Patru oameni fara nume / Four Nameless People, by Radu Badila; stage direction: Petre Popescu; première: 27 March – see Bibliography: programme. Costumes: the performance Povestiri din padurea vieneza / Stories from the Vienna Forest, by Ödön von Horvath; stage direction: Alexandru Toscani; settings: Dan Jitianu; première: 15 May – see Bibliography: programme. Costumes: the play Ziaristii / Journalists, by Alexandru Mirodan; stage direction: Valeriu Moisescu; settings: Dan Jitianu; première: 16 November – see Bibliography: programme. |
1972 | Settings and Costumes: the show Superestival 1972; stage direction: Alexandru Bocanet; première: 1 July – see Bibliography: programme. |
1973 | Settings: the play Intre noi doi n-a fost decat tacere / Between Us it Was but Silence, by Lia Crisan; stage direction: Petre Popescu; costumes: Doris Jurgea; co-scenography: Radu Stefanescu; première: 27 October – see Bibliography: programme. |