1958 | Viorica Nemteanu, “Un portret al artistului” / “An Artist’s Portrait”. |
1959 | Program of the Cultural Decade in P.R.R. and the program of the play “Daca vei fi intrebat” / “If You Were Asked”, by Dorel Dorian; première: 20 Aug. B. Dulgheru, “Daca vei fi intrebat la Teatrul Municipal” / “If You Were Asked at the Metropolitan Theatre”, Flacara, 3 Oct. Margareta Barbuta, “Daca vei fi intrebat la Teatrul Municipal” / “If You were asked at the Metropolitan Theatre”, Scinteia, 22 Oct. Valentin Silvestru, “In lupta pentru maiestrie: Daca vei fi intrebat la Teatrul Municipal” / “Towards Craftsmanship: Theatre”, If You Were Asked at the Metropolitan Contemporanul, No. 34. |
1960 | Program – the play Mamouret, by Jean Sarment; première 23 Jan. “Vendegjatek elé” / “Welcoming the Tour”, Film, szinhaz, muzsika, No. IV, Sept. [Budapest (Hungary)] – about the play Mamouret. “Színházi élet Romániában”/ “Theatrical Life in Romania”, Film, szinhaz, muzsika, No. V, Oct. [Budapest, (Hungary)] – about the play Mamouret; the George Stefanescu’s photo (as scenographer) appears in the article. |
1961 | Program – the performance Rustica ’50–’60 / Rustic ’50–’60, by Silvia Andreescu and Theodor Manescu; première: 8 May. Program – the play Intoarcerea / The Return, by Mihai Beniuc; première: 19 Nov. |
1962 | Program – the play Camera fierbinte / The Hot Room, by Al.I. Stefanescu; première: 27 March. Mariana Pirvulescu, “Camera fierbinte de Al.I Stefanescu la Teatrul Lucia Sturdza Bulandra” / “The Hot Room by Al.I Stefanescu at the Lucia Sturdza Bulandra Theatre”, Apr. Program – the performance Razboi si pace / War and Peace, by Alfred Neumann, Erwin Piscator and Guntram Prüfer, after Leon Tolstoy’s homonymous novel; première: 25 June. Catalogue of the solo exhibition “George Stefanescu – Painting and Scenography”, Foyer of the Lucia Sturdza Bulandra Theatre, Bucharest, Nov.–Dec. Program – the play O singura viata / A Unique Life, by Ionel Hristea; première: 5 Dec. |
1963 | Program – the play Portretul / The Portrait, by Alexandru Voitin; première: 2 Oct. |
1964 | Program – the play Fii cuminte, Cristofor / Be Wise, Cristofor, by Aurel Baranga; première: 25 Nov. |
1965 | Catalogue of the solo exhibition “George Stefanescu – Painting and Graphics”, artist’s studio (Museum Gheorghe Tattarescu), Oct.–Nov.; preface: Nestor Ignat; text: Misu Weinberg. “Carnet cultural” / “Cultural Records”, Scinteia, (?) Oct. – notification of artist’s exhibition and reproduction of his work Meditatie / Meditation. T.B., “Vernisaj in atelier” / “Varnishing in Artist’s Studio”, Informatia Bucurestiului, (?) Oct.; the article renders the photo of George Stefanescu in front of the easel. “George Stefanescu, pictura” / “George Stefanescu, Painting”, Oct.; the article reproduces artist’s work Portret de taranca // Ileana Cosanziana / Portrait of a Peasant Woman // Ileana, the Flower Fair. Jack Brutaru, “Expozitia pictorului George Stefanescu” / “Painter George Stefanescu’s Exhibition”, Steagul rosu, 23 Oct.; the article reproduces artist’s works Ileana Cosanziana / Ileana, the Flower Fair and In larg / In the Offing. Marin Mihalache, “Expozitia pictorului George Stefanescu” / “Painter George Stefanescu’s Exhibition”, Informatia Bucurestiului, 23. Oct. Petru Vintila, “George Stefanescu”, Gazeta literara, (?) Nov. Catalogue of the Bucharest Salon of Painting and Sculpture, Dalles Hall, Bucharest, Dec. |
1967 | Catalogue of the Spring Salon of Bucharest Painters, Herastrau Park, Pavilions A, B and C, May. Program – the play Luceafarul / The Morning Star, by Barbu St. Delavrancea; première: 13 May. “Luceafarul la Palatul Brancoveanului” / “The Morning Star at Brancovan’s Palace”, Informatia Bucurestiului, (?) June. Program – the performance Poetul si revolutia / Poet in the Revolution, after several texts by Vladimir Mayakovsky; première: 3 Nov. |
1968 | Catalogue of the solo exhibition “George Stefanescu – Pictura” / “George Stefanescu – Painting”, artist’s studio (George Tattarescu Museum); varnishing day: 27 May. Petru Comarnescu, “George Stefanescu”, Informatia Bucurestiului, 30 May. Marin Mihalache, “George Stefanescu – Expozitie in atelier” / “George Stefanescu – Exhibition in the Studio”, Contemporanul, 21 June. Petru Vintila, “O expozitie in jurul sevaletului” / “An Exhibition round Artist’s Easel”, Gazeta literara, 11 Nov. the article reproduces the artist’s work Still-life. Program – the play Sfirsitul pamintului / The End of the Earth, by Victor Eftimiu; première: 1 Dec. |
1969 | Program – the play Contrapuncte / Counterpoints, by Paul Everac; première: 11 March. Program – the play Strigoii / Ghosts, by Henrik Ibsen; première: 21 Nov. Program – the play Puricele in ureche / A Flea in Her Ear, by Geoorges Faydeau; première: 13 Dec. Catalogue of the “Exposition d’Art roumain contemporain”, Baccache Gallery (Lebanon), Dec. 1969–Jan. 1970; text: Amelia Pavel. |
1970 | Program – the show Muzica si poezie / Music and Poetry, by Tudor Gheorghe; première: 14 May. Catalogue of the solo exposition “George Stefanescu – Pictura” / George Stefanescu – Painting”, Simeza Gallery, Bucharest, Sept. “Pedagogie si nu numai” / “It’s More than Pedagogy”, Saptamina, 11 Sept. Marina Preutu, “Sub predominanta metaforelor culorii” / “Dominated by Colour Metaphors”, Scinteia, 19 Sept. Amelia Pavel, “Prin galerii” / “Throughout Galleries”, Romania literara, 27 Sept. Anca Arghir, “Cronica trimestriala” / “Quarterly Chronicle”, Arta, Sept. Vasile Dragut, Vasile Florea, Dan Grigorescu, Marin Mihalache, Pictura romaneasca in imagini / Romanian Painting in Images, Editura Meridiane, Bucharest. |
1971 | Program – the play Patru oameni fara nume / Four Nameless People, by Radu Badila; première: 27 March. Program – the performance Povestiri din padurea vieneza / Stories from the Vienna Forest, by Ödön von Horvath; première: 15 May. Catalogue of the Bucharest Salon of Painters and Sculptors, exhibition halls of the Romanian Athenaeum, Sept. Program – the play Ziaristii / Journalists, by Alexandru Mirodan; première: 16 Nov. |
1972 | Program – the show Superestival 1972, collective author; première: 1 July. Catalogue of the Salon of Painting and Sculpture dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the Republic, Dalles Hall, Bucharest, Dec. 1972–Jan. 1973. |
1973 | Catalogue of the solo exhibition “George Stefanescu – Pictura” / “George Stefanescu – Painting”, Simeza Gallery, Bucharest; varnishing day: 8 Febr.; preface: Traian Stoica. Prefata la Jurnalul galeriilor” / Preface to Gallery Journal”, Informatia Bucurestiului; the article the artist’s work Compozitie / Composition. Constantin Prut, “Jurnalul galeriilor” / “Gallery Journal” Informatia Bucurestiului, 7 March. Program – the play Intre noi doi n-a fost decit tacere / Between Us it was but Silence, by Lia Crisan; première: 27 Oct. Dorin Tudoran, “George Stefanescu”, Flacara, (?) Oct. Adrian Paunescu, Flacara, (?) Oct. Constantin Florea, the poem “Cristii lui Stefanescu” / “Stefanescu’s Christs”, in the vol. De cite ori / Many Times, Editura Cartea Romaneasca, Bucuresti. |
1974 | Catalogue of the exhibition “12 Rumänische Maler”, Hamburg (Germany). Catalogue of the Bucharest Salon of Painting and Sculpture, Dalles Hall, Bucharest, Apr.–May. |
1975 | Catalogue of the Bucharest Salon of Painting and Sculpture, Dalles Hall, Bucharest, Dec. 1975–Jan. 1976. |
1976 | Catalogue of the solo exhibition “George Stefanescu – Pictura” / “George Stefanescu – Painting”, Caminul Artei Gallery, Bucharest, 15 Jan.–3 Febr. Dan Grigorescu, “Trei expozitii semnifcative: George Stefanescu” / “Three Significant Exhibitions: George Stefanescu”, Romania libera, 31 Jan. Virgil Mocanu, “George Stefanescu”; Romania libera, 6 Febr. Cornel Bozbici, “Civilizatia ochiului” / “Eye Civilization”, Flacara, 6 Mart.; the article reproduces the artist’s work Calaret unu / Horseman One. Octavian Barbosa, Dictionarul artistilor romani cotemporani / Dictionary of the Romanian Contemporary Fine Artists, Editura Meridiane, Bucharest. Vasile Dragut, Vasile Florea, Dan Grigorescu, Marin Mihalache, Pictura romaneasca in imagini / Romanian Painting in Images, 2d edition reworked, Editura Meridiane, Bucharest. |
1979 | Catalogue of the exhibition “Contemporary East European Painting”, Tokyo (Japan). Catalogue of the solo exhibition “George Stefanescu – Painting”, Art Galleries of the Bucharest Municipality, June; preface: Dan Grigorescu. Dan Grigorescu, “Bucuria culorii” / “Joy of Colour”, Romania libera, 13 June. Cristina Angelescu, “George Stefanescu – Pictura” / “George Stefanescu – Painting”, Saptamina culturala a capitalei. Catalogue of the Bucharest Salon of Painting and Sculpture, Dalles Hall, Bucharest, Dec. 1979–Jan. 1980. |
1980 | Eugen Pohotu, Iniţiere in artele plastice / Introduction in Fine Arts, Editura Albatros, Bucharest. |
1982 | Vasile Florea, Arta romaneasca moderna si contemporana / Modern and Contemporary Romanian Art, Editura Meridiane, Bucharest. |
1983 | Radu Cirneci, “Dainuirea prin arta” / “Lasting through Art”, Ateneu, Apr., and Contemporanul, 28 Oct.; the articles reproduce the artist’s work Compozitie / Composition. Catalogue of the solo exhibition “George Stefanescu – Pictura” / “George Stefanescu – Painting”, Art Galleries of the Bucharest Municipality, Oct.; texts: Radu Carneci and Gheorghe Cosma. Cristina Anghelescu, “George Stefanescu – Pictura, grafica” / “George Stefanescu – Painting, Graphics”, Saptamina culturala a capitalei, 28 Oct. Victor Nita, “O confesiune tandra” / “A Tender Confession”, Flacara, 4 Nov. Dan Grigorescu, “O arta a adevarurilor din preajma noastra” / “An Art of the Truths Surrounding Us”, Romania libera, 8 Nov. |
1984 | Reproductions of artist’s works Mama si gemenii / Mother and the Twins and Primavara ca o mireasa / Spring as a Bride appear in Ateneu, 4 Apr. Catalogue of the solo exhibition “George Stefanescu”, Gemeetehuis, Willebroek (Belgium); preface: Radu Cirneci. The exhibition of Willebroek (Belgium) is recorded in Tribuna Romaniei, 15 Oct. “De eewigheit van de kunst”, Culturele Vereniging DACIA Belgisch-Roemeense Vriendschap (Belgium), No. 4, Oct. – about the exhibition from Willebroek. “G. en R. Stefanescu kunst vol kleur en eigenheit”, KVB (Belgian weekly); the article reproduces the photo of George Stefanescu with Iulian N. Vacarel, Romania’s ambassador in Brussels. Werdohler Lokalteil, 7 Nov. – about the exhibition from Volksbank Werdohl (Germany) – see Group Exhibitions. |
1985 | “Maler zeigen Bild des eigenes Vaterlandes” and “Bildnisse aus Rumänien in Hagenring-Galerieausstellung”, Werdohler Lokalteil, Oct. – about the exhibition at the Hagenring Gallery, Hagen (Germany) – see Solo Exhibitions. |
1987 | Adriana Bobu, George Stefanescu, Editura Meridiane, Bucuresti. “George Stefanescu”, Romanian Review (Chinese version); the article reproduces some of artist’s works. |
1988 | Theodor Redlow, “Profil George Stefanescu” / “George Stefanescu, a Profile”, Arta / Art, March. Constanta Iliescu, “Cronica de muzeu – George Stefanescu: Dansatorii” / “Museum Review – George Stefanescu: The Dancers”, Saptamina culturala a capitalei, 8 Jan. |
1989 | Catalogue of the exhibition “George und Radu Stefanescu”; Haus Ennepetal, Ennepetal (Germany), Dec.; preface: Dr. Hermann Hirschberg. “Besinnlichkeit im Bild / Contemplation in the Picture”, Westfalenpost, 7 Dec. „Bilder aus dem Zusammenprall von Tradition und Moderne / Images from the Clash of Tradition and Modernity”, Westfälische Rundschau, 12. Dez. |
1990 | Dorina Munteanu, Marturisiri ale unui colectionar de arta / Confessions of an Art Collector, Editura Meridiane, Bucharest. “Ein Herz und eine Seele”, LH Information, Jan. – about the exhibition from Haus Ennepetal. “Rumänische Kunst”, Bremen Anzeige, 7 Apr. – notifying the exhibition from the Helmar H. Veltzke Gallery. Catalogue of the “Sonderausstellung – George und Radu Stefanescu”, Helmar H. Veltzke Gallery, Bremen (Germany); varnishing day: 8 Apr. Catalogue of the solo exhibition “Neue Wege, neue Bilder von George Stefanescu”, Queen’s Gallery, Bremen (Germania); varnishing day: 26 Apr. “Die beiden Stefanescus in der Galerie Veltzke”, TAZ Bremen, 11 May. “Rumänischer Künstler schuf Motiv für Vorhang”, Westfälische Nachrichten, Aug. Catalogue of the exhibition “9 Künstler aus Lüdinghausen” Münsterlandmuseum, Burg Vischering, Lüdinghausen (Germania), Dec. 1990–Jan. 1991; preface: Dr. Falco Herlemann. “Teil der Lüdinghauser Kunstszene”, Westfälische Nachtrichten, 4 Dec. Catalogue of the exhibition “Vater und Sohn im Spiegel der Kunst / Father and Son in the Mirror of Art”, Kreis Coesfeld (Germany), Dec. “Vater und Sohn im Spiegel der Kunst / Father and Son in the Mirror of Art”, Westfälische Nachrichten, 7 Dec. “Zusätzlicher Reiz in Gegensätzlichkeit”, Westfälische Nachrichten, 10 Dec. Kreis Kurier, No. 24, 20 Dec. – about the exhibition from Kreis Coesfeld (Germany). |
1991 | Catalogue of the “Kunstmarkt der Burg Vischering”, Lüdinghausen (Germany), Nov–Dec. “Ausstellung in Galerie der Burg Vischering”, Westfälische Nachrichten, 18 Nov. |
1992 | “Sturmnacht im Historischen Rathaus”, Bocholter-Borkener Volksblatt, 13 May – about the exhibition “Hamaland Kreis der Künste in Bocholt” – see Group Exhibitions. Catalogue of the solo exhibition “Neue Wege, neue Bilder von George Stefanescu”, OK Center Gallery, Dülmen (Germany), May. “20 Künstler des Hamalandkreises zeigen ihre Werke”, Westfälische Rundschau, 5 Aug. – about the exhibition “Hamaland Kreis der Künste in Ahaus” – see Group Exhibitions. “Bunte Vielfalt von Tonarbeiten bis zur Bronzeskulptur”, Westfälische Nachrichten, 7 Aug. – about the exhibition from Ahaus. „Kunst im Schloss”, Bocholter-Borkener Volksblatt, 24 Aug. – about the exhibition from Ahaus. In the Romanian Handbook of Music (5th form), the reproduction of George Stefanescu’s work Maternity accompanies St.O. Iosif’s poem Cantec sfant / Sacred Song. |
1996 | “Lyrischer Kolorist läßt Farbe sprechen / Lyrical Colourist Lets Color Speak”, Westfälische Nachrichten, 15 Sept. – about the exhibition from the Noran Gallery, Lüdinghausen (Germany) – see Solo Exhibition. “Bilder tragen unverwechselbare Handschrift / Images Have an Unmistakable Signature”, Westfälische Nachrichten, 17 and 20 Sept. – about the exhibition from the Noran Gallery, Lüdinghausen (Germany). Helmut Ebert, Künstlerlexikon für Münster und Umgebung / Artist’s encyclopaedia for Münster and surroundings area, Nodus Publikationen-Wiss. Publisher, Münster. |
1997 | Cristian Dumitrescu (coord.), Luminita Raut, Mihaela Boldor, Teatrul Bulandra, 1947–1997 / The Bulandra Theatre, 1947–1997, Imprimeria Bancii Nationale a Romaniei, Bucuresti. Catalogue of the solo exhibition “George Stefanescu”, Wörhle Gallery, Hamm (Germany); varnishing day: 5 Dec. “Tradition und Moderne / Tradition and Modernity”, 5 Dec. – about the exhibition from the Wörhle Gallery, Hamm (Germany). |
1998 | Vasile Florea, Alexandru Cebuc and Negoita Laptoiu, Enciclopedia artistilor romani / Encyclopaedia of Romanian Fine Artists, vol. I, Editura Arc, Bucuresti. |
1999 | Catalogue of the solo exhibition “George Stefanescu”, Sparkasse Foyer, Lüdinghausen (Germany), Nov.–Dec. “Mensch als Motiv im Zentrum / Human as a Motif in the Center”, Westfälische Nachrichten: Kultur in Lüdinghausen, 12 Nov. “Explosion von Licht und Farbe ist Stefanescus Markenzeichnen / An explosion of Light and Color is Stefanescu’s Trademark”, Westfälische Nachrichten: Kultur in Lüdinghausen, 23 Nov. “Symbole tiefer Gläubigkeit / Symbols of Deep Piety”, Westfälische Nachrichten: Kultur in Lüdinghausen, 20 Dec. |
2000 | Magda Carneci, Artele plastice in Romania, 1945–1989 / Fine Arts in Romania, 1945–1989, Editura Meridiane, Bucuresti. |
2003 | “Stefanescu stellt aus / Stefanescu Exhibits”, Ausstellung Volksbank Bremen, Febr. “Die Räume leben wieder / The rooms are Alive Again”, Ausstellung Volksbank Bremen, Febr. “Alle Bilder beginnen mit einfacher Strichen / All Pictures Start with Simple Strokes”, Ausstellung Volksbank Bremen, Febr. Catalogue of the solo exhibition “Der große Vogel / The Big Bird”, Bremische Volksbank, Achim (Germany), Apr. DH-Aktuell – ” Der große Vogel / The Big Bird “- Klostermühle Heiligenberg. 13.Dec. |
2004 | Catalogue of the solo exhibition “Licht und Farbe / Light and Color”, Volksbank Foyer, Lüdinghausen (Germany). “Motivsymbol mit starken Symbolkraft / Motif Symbol with Strong Symbolic Power”, Westälische Nachrichten: Kultur in Lüdinghausen, 14 Apr. “Licht und Farbe dominieren / Light and Color Dominate”, Westfälische Nachrichten: Kultur in Lüdinghausen, 17 Apr. „Größe als Künstler und Mensch / Greatness as an Artist and as a Person”, Westfälische Nachrichten: Kultur in Lüdinghausen, 20 Apr. George Stefanescu’s official site www.georgestefanescu.ro is launched. |
2007 | The magazin Agero – A Romanian Painter in Germany, George Stefanescu (1914-2007), by Venera Dumitrescu-Staia, 1 Dec. |
2008 | Encyclopaedia – painter, sculptor and draftsman of the 15th and 20th century, Mircea Deac, Medro Publisher, Bucharest. The magazin Acum – A Romanian Painter in Germany George Stefanescu (1914-2007). 1 Dec. Blog Dana Vlase – George Stefanescu. |
2010 | Dan Paul Ionescu, George Stefanescu, short-reel film broadcast on the TVR International channel on 20 Apr. |
2011 | “George Stefanescu – pictor si scenograf roman” / “George Stefanescu – Romanian Painter and Scenographer”, text published in the site of the Romanian Cultural Institute, launched in Prague (Czech Rep.), on the occasion of the International Year of Architecture, 27 Jun. |
2012 | Aurelia Mocanu, “Rosu de Bitolia – un longeviv pe scena picturii” / “Bitola Red – A Longeval Artist on the Painting Stage”, Arhitectura, 30 July. Architectura Online – Bitola Red / A Longeval Artist on the Painting Stage / Aurelia Mocanu, 30.July Modernism – Sponsoring the UAP Award, 2 Nov. Westfälische Nachrichten – Kultur in Lüdinghausen, No fear of colours, 2 Dec. Westfälische Nachrichten – Kultur in Lüdinghausen, Artists donate works fort he music school, 6 Dec. |
2013 | Bavette – 1965 The first studio exhibition of the painter George Stefanescu, 10 Jan. Aripa dreapta – 1968 The second studio exhibition of the painter George Stefanescu, 8 Febr. Editorcassh – Profile of Artist George Stefanescu, 3 March. Christina – The exhibition of the painter George Ștefănescu from 1979, 20 Apr. |
2014 | Art Book “Silent Beauty” – George Stefanescu-Ramnic (1914-2014), Foundation George Stefanescu, Bucharest. Catalogue of the retrospective exhibition “The Minstrel of Colours” – George Stefanescu-Ramnic (1914–2007), Palace of the National Bank of Romania, varnishing day: 28 Oct.; preface: Aurelia Mocanu – see Bibliography : catalogue and 5 articles. Catalogue of the retrospective exhibition “In the Flying Man´s Garden” – George Stefanescu-Ramnic (1914–2007), The National Museum “Dimitrie Gusti”, varnishing day: 6 Nov.; preface: Aurelia Mocanu – see Bibliography: catalogue and 10 articles. Catalogue of the retrospective exhibition „Stille Schönheit / Silent Beauty“ – George Ştefănescu-Râmnic (1914–2007), Galerie Badde Design, Lüdinghausen (Germany), varnishing day: 20 Dec.; preface: Radu Stefanescu – see Bibliography: catalogue and 2 articles. Modernism – Sponsoring the UAPR Award, 6 Nov. Westfälische Nachrichten – Kultur in Lüdinghausen, Stefanescu Exhibition in Bucharest / Tribute to George Stefanescu, 8 Oct. Short News – Exhibition with works of George Stefanescu to his 100th Anniversary, 8 Oct. Westfälische Nachrichten – Kultur in Lüdinghausen, Autumn Mood / Stefanescus Steverbridge at that time and today , 29 Oct. Amos News – Opening of the exhibition George Stefanescu-Ramnic (1914-2007), 29 Oct. RRC Radio Romania Cultural – Two exhibition events dedicated to the painter George Stefanescu-Ramnic, 30 Oct. Modernism – George Stefanescu-Ramnic Centenary (1914-2007), 30 Oct. Amos News – George Stefanescu-Ramnic Centenary (1914-2007), 30 Oct. ZF Sunday Newspaper – Bitola Red at the Palace of the National Bank of Romania, 31 Oct. Westfälische Nachrichten – Kultur in Lüdinghausen, Back to Bucharest, 31 Oct. Hyperion – The Exhibition „The Flying Man´s Garden” / George Stefanescu-Ramnic (1914-2007), 4 Nov. RRC Radio Romania Cultural – George Stefanescu-Ramnic Centenary (1914-2007), 5 Nov. National Museum “Dimitrie Gusti” – The Exhibition „The Flying Man´s Garden” / George Stefanescu-Ramnic (1914-2007), 6 Nov. RRC Radio Romania Cultural – George Stefanescu-Ramnic Centenary (1914-2007), 6 Nov. German Embassy in Bucharest – George Stefanescu-Ramnic Centenary (1914-2007), 6 Nov. Nine O´Clock – Ambassador Lauk opened Exhibition “The Flying Man´s Garden”-George Stefanescu-Ramnic (1914-2007), 6 Nov. Westfälische Nachrichten – Kultur in Lüdinghausen, Stefanescu unites Nations, 7 Nov. ZF Sunday Newspaper – The Minstrel of Colours Centenary / by Aurelia Mocanu, 7 Nov. Amos News – The exhibition of the painter George Stefanescu-Ramnic / The Flying Man´s Garden, 7 Nov. Ceasca de Cultura – George Stefanescu-Ramnic Centenary, 10 Nov. Autentici – Exhibition The Flying Man´s Garden / George Stefanescu-Ramnic, 13 Nov. Amos News – Sponsoring the UAPR Award, 14 Nov. Amos News – Museum Event / George Stefanescu-Ramnic / The Artist´s Studio (Nostalgia), 20 Nov. Ziare pe net – Museum Event / George Stefanescu-Ramnic / The Artist´s Studio (Nostalgia) , 20 Nov. Westfälische Nachrichten – Kultur in Lüdinghausen /„Celebration Day“ for Stefanescu, 6 Dec. Westfälische Nachrichten – Kultur in Lüdinghausen / Loud colours in Westphalia, 10 Dec. Westfälische Nachrichten – Kultur in Lüdinghausen / In friendship to George Stefanescu, 17 Dec. Cariere / Special – The Talking Painting , 20 Dec. ZF Sunday Newspaper – Retrospective / A homage to our parents / Adrian-Silvan Ionescu, 25 Dec. |
2015 | Cariere Online / Special – The Talking Painting, 2 Jun. |
2018 | Alexandru Cebuc, Ruxandra Papa, Sorin Papa, Enciclopedia artiștilor români contemporani / Encyclopaedia of Romanian Fine Artists, vol. VIII, Arc 2000 Publisher, Bucharest. |
2019 | Hallo – “The Minstrel of Colours” – KAKTuS shows works by George Stefanescu-Ramnic, 29 Jun. Westfälische Nachrichten – A Unique Exhibition – KAKTuS shows works by George Stefanescu-Ramnic, 2 Jun. Münsterland Zeitung – Side Lights – George Stefanescu – The Minstrel of Colours LH Marketing – He Lets the Colors Sing – George Stefanescu-Ramnic – Retrospective in Lüdinghausen Castle, 1 Jun. Westfälische Nachrichten – Secondary school students visit exhibition, 05 Jul. Westfälische Nachrichten – Finissage of the Stefanescu-Ramnic Exhibition – Painting Meets Music and Poetry, 22 Aug. Westfälische Nachrichten – Finissage in Lüdinghausen Castle, Harmony in the Sound of Colours, 26 Aug. |